Adam Fisher hails from Ann Arbor Michigan and began climbing at the Red River Gorge and on the waterfalls of Michigan’s upper peninsula. Since then he has climbed and skied across the US and abroad, including formative experiences in the Tetons, North Cascades, Colorado Rockies, Alaska Range, Yosemite Valley, Canadian Rockies, and Patagonia, as well as first ski descents in Alaska’s Revelation mountains and St. Elias range.
Adam has been teaching climbing since 2007 and guiding since 2009. He is an AMGA Certified Rock Guide, wilderness first responder, and AIARE Instructor. Adam holds a degree in Environmental and Public Policy from the University of Michigan and owns Open Lands Consulting, LLC, an outdoor industry consultancy specializing in public lands advocacy. He served as program director for Paradox Sports and is a staff trainer for the Colorado Outward Bound School.
Adam began working with Colorado Mountain School in 2014. He loves sharing climbing and skiing with friends – both old and new. He specializes in instructing and helping guests build their skills in the mountains. His. other interests include reading, cooking, music, and exploring new cultures.