Colorado Mountain School, AMGA Ski-mountaineering Guide, Mark Kelly, reports from Valdez, Alaska:
“Things are going very well with many learning opportunities. We have been covering snow study by actually doing real snow study in a demanding environment. We have been learning white-out navigation by actually navigating in a white-out. We are practicing glacial travel by traveling on complicated glacial terrain. We have also covered crevasse rescue in real crevasses (but not real rescues). We have done complicated multi-beacon burial scenarios for avalanche rescue as well as tour planning for this big environment with rapid changes in terrain and visibility.”
“All I can say is, so far so good. We are just waiting for the weather to clear up a bit to do our heli-drop. We have already completed the safety and helicopter briefing, so now we are just waiting for a clear weather window. Until then, we’ll be doing more ski tours. In short… Awesome course so far!”
If you have any questions about this expedition, or any of our other expeditions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
E.J. Nogaski
Expedition Manager
Colorado Mountain School
800-836-4008 x201