It is hard to call a trip like this an “expedition”. Many times when individuals hear the word expedition images of tents, freeze dried food, and language barriers come to mind. This trip is far from that. We stay at a local Bed and Breakfast. We eat home cooked meals, and since we are in Alaska everyone speaks english. This year we ran two full trips up to Valdez on our Heli-ski Mountaineering trip. Below are a few photos:
Heading in to ski
Skiing fresh pow
Moving to the next run
More skiing.
The overall size of this place is unbelievable. You can easily get 2000′ vertical in one run. Hopefully these next photos will help you understand the size of this place.
Can’t be that far away. huh?
Can you still see the helicopter?
How about now?
Both trips ran great. All the clients were a blast to work with. Besides a little bad weather, and some baggage issues, the trips went off without any major problems. I’ll be adding a link to some more photos in the coming days. Thanks to Kevan Dee for these photos. Keep an eye out for next year’s trip. Hopefully you can join us.
E.J. Nogaski
Expedition Manager
Colorado Mountain School
800-836-4008 x201